Monday, May 16, 2011

Twilight Brewing

On the VERY first day of American Craft Beer week (May 16-22), I'm VERY excited to be reviewing two home brews made by Twilight Brewing out of Binghamton, NY. Technically, TB hasn't been officially reviewed, so I feel honored to expose their beers to the loyal "followers" & readers of Mom's Malt Barley Blog! 
Naming your brew has power & prestige and in Twilight's case, they creatively tied their brews to an occasion-the Kentucky Derby! So, drum roll, the two beers getting reviewed are called: Along The Rail Pale Ale and Horsie-Weizen!
Now, for the results from their first public appearance!
Along the Rail Pale Ale: 
Taste:  Vibrantly fresh with a noticeable crispness! There was a subtle bite coupled with a carmel sweetness! Overall, the beer was delicious!
Color: Appearance was a deep amber
Thickness: the pour produced a plentiful & frothy head! Mild-to-moderate thickness with a smooth and creamy finish.
ABV: 6%  
Taste: pleasant on the palate with lemon overtones (lemon wedge was placed in the glass as directed by the brew master); no bitterness
Color: a beautiful chrome 
Thickness: after the pour there was a tiny head with a pretty array of sediment particles (the yeast); a balanced carbonation produced a light mouthful & finish
ABV: 5%
Mom Factoid:  When you raise kids, it's natural to want them brought up in a supportive community beyond their family members.  Proudly, I was raised for most of my childhood in Binghamton, NY as were the creators of Twilight Brewing. We share our hometown with Rod Serling, the creator of the Twilight Zone. He had this to say about his hometown: 
"Everybody has to have a hometown.
Binghamton's mine.
In the strangely brittle, terribly sensitive
make-up of a human being, there is a need for a
place to hang a hat or a geographical womb to
crawl back into, or maybe just a place that's
familiar because that's where you grew up.  When
I dig back through my memory cells, I get one
particularly distinctive feeling-that's one of
warmth, comfort and well-being.  For whatever
else I may have had or lost, or will find,
I've still got a hometown.
This nobody's gonna take away from me."

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