Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Clown Shoes Clementine White Ale

After watching the Curious George episode on PBS, where the Man in the Yellow Hat & George are stuck in the subway, for the 100th time, with the three year old, I was propelled to get this review written.  I know, what does Curious George and brew have in common?  Well, that remains to be seen, but in this particular episode there is a clown in the subway and the most recent brew I tasted was produced by a brewery called Clown Shoes which is located in Ipswich, MA.
I had heard of this brewery--Clown Shoes through some "research" of craft beer blogs and the following link will give context to their name:

Taste: very light with a citrus peel aftertaste...not that enjoyable!

Thickness: very carbonated--too much for my liking as it seemed more like a soda than a beer

Color: an orange silhouette

ABV: 6%

Mom Factoid: Most days being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) means you need to have a ton of tricks and a great sense of humor, very similar to a clown, minus the red squeaky nose! Another thing you have to have is an outlet or two from the repetitiveness of spending your days with little people.  I've found that reading and writing are great outlets for me....along with tasting a variety of brews :)  One of the best things I've read lately is a fellow blog called 'Dear Life, It's on. Love, Me'.  This blog truly makes me laugh out loud every time there is a new post.  All clowning aside, you should check it out too for a unique perspective on life at:

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